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This is a fan guide for Toram Online, a Japanese mobile MMORPG game for smart phones by Asobimo INC. All Rights Reserved.


Toram Online Guide is a fan-made website dedicated to providing you with news from the official Toram Online blog website as well as write original blogs and guides on how and where to get certain drops, monsters, crafting, and all other Toram Online related information. I will also provide blogs that are my own personal opinion and do not reflect those of the Toram Online Developers or Asobimo INC. like game reviews and reviews on new content updates or my thoughts on what I believe should be the next step for Toram Online as well as blogs of my own personal adventures in Toram Online. 


This is not Toram Online's official website, it is fan made and it is not endoresed or affiliated with or by Asobimo INC. 

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